Ossigeno – ozonoterapia, cannabis e terapie integrate, garanzia di un miglioramento della qualità di vita per i malati oncologici. Lo dimostrano ricerche svolte dall’équipe medica della Fondazione Maria Guarino Amor Ets di Pozzuoli e gli studi pubblicati su riviste scientifiche internazionali.
Se ne parlerà il 12 ottobre al Glam Hotel i Milano, in piazza Duca d’Aosta: durante la giornata dedicata a “Ossigeno ozonoterapia e oncologia integrata”.
«A tutti i pazienti oncologici, anche a quelli terminali, da otto anni – spiega Margherita Luongo, presidente di Amor – abbiamo garantito un miglioramento della qualità della vita, nonché abbiamo dimostrato come l’ossigeno ozono, la cannabis e le terapie integrate migliorino la chemio e radio sensibilità. Ai pazienti con adenocarcinoma del pancreas furono pronosticate poche settimane di vita e invece sono in cura da noi da oltre due anni».
L’incontro, organizzato dalla fondazione, è rivolto a medici chirurghi, biologi e farmacisti e rappresenta un’importante opportunità per approfondire un approccio terapeutico innovativo e integrato nel trattamento dei pazienti oncologici.
Si comincerà con i saluti istituzionali di Massimo Garavaglia, presidente della commissione finanza del Senato, Maria Muscarà, consigliere della Regione Campania e Roberto Carlo Rossi, presidente dell’OMCeO Milano.
Durante il seminario verranno illustrati i risultati più recenti degli studi sull’efficacia dell’ossigeno-ozonoterapia nel potenziare il sistema immunitario e nella gestione degli effetti collaterali delle terapie oncologiche tradizionali.
Un’occasione unica per i partecipanti di assistere alla presentazione di casi clinici reali e ascoltare testimonianze di esperti che condivideranno le loro esperienze nell’uso di queste metodiche.
«Una paziente affetta da glioblastoma al quarto stadio alla quale furono dati 7 mesi di vita – conclude Luongo – dopo tre mesi dall’inizio del nostro percorso terapeutico si è negativizzata e da febbraio 2022 è stata diagnosticata guarita».
Ampio spazio anche agli aspetti nutrizionali e agli approcci terapeutici emergenti, inclusa l’integrazione della terapia nutrizionale con le più recenti applicazioni della cannabis a scopo terapeutico.
Foto di Fernando Zhiminaicela da Pixabay

Amor Foundation of Pozzuoli/ Oxygen-ozone therapy and integrated oncology improve patients’ quality of life. It will be discussed at a conference in Milan (October 12th)

The quality of life of cancer patients is improved by oxygen-ozone therapy, cannabis and integrated therapies. This is the result of research carried out by the medical team of the Maria Guarino Amor Ets Foundation in Pozzuoli and of studies published in international scientific journals.
This will be discussed on October 12th at the Glam Hotel in Milan, Piazza Duca d’Aosta during the day dedicated to “Oxygen-ozone therapy and integrated oncology”.
“For eight years”, explains Margherita Luongo, President of Amor, “we have been guaranteeing an improvement in the quality of life for all cancer patients, including the terminally ill, as well as demonstrating how oxygen-ozone, cannabis and integrated therapies improve chemo- and radiosensitivity. Patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas were predicted to live a few weeks, but instead they have been in our care for more than two years”.
The meeting, organized by the Foundation, is aimed at surgeons, biologists and pharmacists and is an important opportunity to learn more about an innovative and integrated therapeutic approach in the treatment of cancer patients.
It will begin with institutional greetings from Massimo Garavaglia, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Maria Muscarà, Councillor of the Campania Region, and Roberto Carlo Rossi, President of OMCeO Milan.
During the seminar, the latest results of studies on the effectiveness of oxygen-ozone therapy in boosting the immune system and managing the side effects of traditional cancer therapies will be presented.
This is a unique opportunity for participants to witness the presentation of real clinical cases and hear testimonies from experts who will share their experiences in using these methods.
“A patient with stage 4 glioblastoma who was given 7 months to live,” Luongo concludes, “three months after starting our treatment pathway, she became negative and was diagnosed as cured in February 2022”.
Much space was also given to nutritional aspects and new therapeutic approaches, including the integration of nutritional therapy with the latest applications of cannabis for therapeutic purposes.
It will begin with institutional greetings from Massimo Garavaglia, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Maria Muscarà, Councillor of the Campania Region, and Roberto Carlo Rossi, President of OMCeO Milan.
During the seminar, the latest results of studies on the effectiveness of oxygen-ozone therapy in boosting the immune system and managing the side effects of traditional cancer therapies will be presented.
This is a unique opportunity for participants to witness the presentation of real clinical cases and hear testimonies from experts who will share their experiences in using these methods.
“A patient with stage 4 glioblastoma who was given 7 months to live,” concludes Luongo. “Three months after starting our treatment pathway, she became negative and was declared cured in February 20222.
A lot of space will also be devoted to nutritional aspects and new therapeutic approaches, including the integration of nutritional therapy with the latest applications of cannabis for therapeutic purposes.


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